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01/16/2007 Entry: "Richard Deadman at the IEEE: When Good Enough is Perfect"

IEEE Women In Engineering – Ottawa Section Upcoming Event

Topic: When Good Enough is Perfect

Date: Monday, Jan 29, 2007

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Room 1B, Ottawa Public Library, Ben Franklin Place, Centrepointe (Free Parking)

Registration: Free for all, but registration required.


We are in an age where perfection is heralded as the desired goal of all business. Competition for law and medical schools drive students to higher and higher goals. Our media and trade magazines trumpet products that are \"perfect\". Business magazines preach that even perfect isn't good enough. But amid all this, two questions are seldom asked: Can we ever achieve perfection? If we could, at what cost?

In this talk, Richard will explore what we mean by perfection, how it can be weighed in classic cost-benefit analysis, why it is never achieved, and some humorous examples of perfectionism run amuck. He suggests that perhaps a better goal is to ask when Good Enough is the perfect solution to the problem.

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