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"Expertise in Web Services, Distributed Components, Telephony, Java, XML, Dynamic Behaviour and Data Mapping"

JTAPI Web Service Bridge

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This add-on to the Open-Source GJTAPI project allows JTAPI applications the ability to access and control remote telephony systems using a Web Service interface (also known as SOAP or Jax-rpc). The server can talk to any GJTAPI or XTAPI service provider (or any other JTAPI implementation) to give you the maximum telephony control to your applications.


  • Your Call Center can now deploy standards-based client applications that interact with the PBX.
  • Your system administration staff can connect to the internet from a hotel room and start up an application to monitor and control calls.
  • Your developers can develop and test their JTAPI IVR applications from their desks.
  • Applets can be created that allow customers to view call activity in real time.


The GJTAPI Web Service Bridge is dual licenced under both the GPL and a Commercial license, giving you the maximum flexibility. If you want to download the bridge to test drive it or use in your own GPL application, the GPL may be used. If you need to use it in a commercial application, a commercial licence is available.

For more infomation on licencing, or to purchase a commercial licence, please contact sales@deadman.ca.


If you have telephony needs not covered by the bridge currently (i.e. security, authentication, authorization, special-purpose SOAP methods, etc), Deadman Consulting is available on a contract basis to assist in the architecture, design and implementation of such modifications. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact "clientcare@deadman.ca"

Note: Due to the nature of the GPL, any publically distributed additions to the GJTAPI Bridge fall under the GPL as well, unless the software has been licenced under an alternative licence.

More Information

JTAPI is the standard Java API for controlling telephony systems. GJTAPI is an open-source implementation of this standard that provides a "service provider interface" to facilitate the easier implementation of JTAPI. Deadman Consulting has been one of the lead supporters and contributers to the GJTAPI project. Due to the service provider architecture of GJTAPI, it is possible to layer service providers on-top of one another to implement new and creative topologies.
The GJTAPI Web Service Bridge plugs in under GJTAPI and connects to a remote web service. This web service, in turn, can plug other GJTAPI service providers under it, including an "inverter" that talks to a 3rd-Party JTAPI implementation.

More information can be found in the Architecture and Installation Guide.


The GJTAPI Web Services Bridge is available now.


The GJTAPI Web Services Bridge may be downloaded here. This zip file contains:
  • Server-side "war" file for deployment in an application server supporting both servlets and Jax-RPC 1.1 RCS.
  • A client-side jar file containing the bridge code
  • An Architecture and installation Guide

© Deadman Consulting, Incorporated, 2023